Kolan is an exceptionally skilled thief who is currently taking resident in the town of Hungard. He is usually known as a relaxed and pleasant man to the townsfolk, so he is being well-regarded. However, there is a hole of mystery where his deepest secrets lies within his presence. Despite his ordinary look, Kolan is the...Master of the Thiefs in Hungard. A part of the bigger network he is part of who takes contracts all around the Southernmor, in and out.
Most of the work thiefs in Hungard do involve of information and knowledge, therefore Kolan's thief party is usually considered more like a company working for brigand leader. Simply put, thiefherd in Hungard is quite different compared to other thiefherds around the Southernmor and can be easily identified for his different purposes. Not that they eventually get Knife Contracts, but in Hungard, being the headquarters of ancient Hun League, so many information swim to here and there about mostly everything and anything, from a secret to a well-known debut. Everything a client would like to know and lay his hands on, so that is what Kolan's thiefherd is for.
Kolan himself, though, is an open book. There is like noone who is NOT familiar with him and his dirty errands, but anyhow he is never considered a threat to the League, in fact there happened to be times League had good usages for Kolan too. So it is a fifty-fifty trade, only that Kolan steals a five from each percent.
He usually wears a brown linen coat with rich ornaments pinned on, leather boots mixed with orange and green, a golden ring in his middle finger, a lightweight silver necklace around his neck. He is a bald man with a though body and middle-sized shoulders supporting his 1.80-1.85 height. His smell comes from a mix of Greenberry and Rose which can exhaust the strongest will in a woman. His speechcraft is among his known characteristics and he is usually referred as a noble soul when walking through or simply standing. He has a style in presenting himself.
Nowadays, his meetings with the Shan is catching attention more than ever. Beautiful daughter of Egon Hun, current League Spokesman.
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